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Thoughts for the Week


Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Thoughts for the Week - Fr. R. Taouk 
10th February 201

The Blessing of Holy Oils by Dom Prosper Guéranger O.S.B.

This holy function, which takes place but once each year, requires a Bishop as the Consecrator. For now many centuries, this great ceremony is celebrated at the single Mass, which is said, on Maundy Thursday in Commemoration of Our Lord's Supper. Faith teaches us, that, as we are regenerated by water, so are we confirmed and fortified by oil; and that Oil is one of the chief elements chosen by the Divine Author of the Sacraments, whereby to signify and produce grace in our souls.


The reason of the Church's selecting Maundy Thursday for the Blessing of the Holy Oils, was that they would be so much needed for the Baptism of the Neophytes on Easter Eve. The first of the Holy Oils, that is, the first that is blessed by the Bishop, is the one called the Oil of the Sick. It is the matter of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. It takes away, from the dying Christian, the remnants of sin; it strengthens him in his last combat; and, by the supernatural power it possesses, sometimes restores to him the health of the body. Formerly, it used to be blessed on any day of the year, as often as required: but, later on, its Blessing was fixed for this day, that thus the three Oils might be blessed all together. The Faithful should assist with much devotion, at this ceremony; for the element that is thus sanctified, is one day to anoint and purify their bodies, sinking under sickness. Let them, as they see it being blessed, think upon their last hour, and praise the infinite goodness of their Saviour, Whose Blood streams so plentifully through "this precious fluid".


The noblest of the three Oils is the Chrism, and its consecration is more solemn, and fuller of mystery, than those of the other two. It is by the Chrism that the Holy Ghost imprints His indelible seal on the Christian, that has already been made a member of Christ by Baptism. The Water gives us our spiritual birth; the Chrism gives us strength; and, until such time as we have received its holy anointing, we have not as yet the perfect character of a Christian. Anointed with this Holy Oil, the Faithful has a visible sign given him of his being a member of the Man-God, Whose name of Christ signifies the unction He has received both as King and Pontiff. This consecration of a Christian by Chrism is so much in accordance with the spirit of our holy Religion, that, immediately after Baptism, the child receives upon its head an anointing, (though it is not a sacramental one) of this Oil, to show that he is already a sharer of the Kingly character of Jesus Christ.


The Holy Chrism, besides its sacramental use in Confirmation, and its being put upon the head of the newly baptised, is also used by the Church in the consecration of her Bishops, in the consecration of Chalices and Altars, in the blessing of Bells, and in the Dedication of a Church, in which last most imposing ceremony, the Bishop pours out the Chrism on the twelve crosses, which are to attest to all succeeding ages, the glory of God's House.